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Poemas en Inglés es un blog que pretende acercar poemas de lengua inglesa al castellano
"Por principio, toda traducción es buena. En cualquier caso, pasa con ellas lo que con las mujeres: de alguna manera son necesarias, aunque no todas son perfectas"

Augusto Monterroso

-La palabra mágica-

"Es imposible traducir la poesía. ¿Acaso se puede traducir la música?"


"La traducción destroza el espí­ritu del idioma"

Federico García Lorca
Roald Dahl
Tuesday, January 28, 2003
Roald Dahl (Wales, 1916-1990)

Roald Dahl -Charlie and the chocolate factory- Augustus Gloop-
Roald Dahl -Charlie and the chocolate factory- Roald Dahl-
Roald Dahl -Charlie and the chocolate factory- Veruca Salt-
Roald Dahl -Charlie and the chocolate factory- Mike Teavee-
Roald Dahl -Charlie and the great glass elevator- Wonkavite-
Roald Dahl -Cinderella-
Roald Dahl -Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf-
Roald Dahl -The three little pigs-

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posted by Alfil @ 12:59 PM   0 comments
Padraig J. Daly
Saturday, January 25, 2003
Padraig J. Daly (Ireland, 1943- )

Padraig J. Daly -Ministers-
Padraig J. Daly -Sorrow-
Padraig J. Daly -Complaint-

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posted by Alfil @ 6:42 PM   0 comments
John Deane
Monday, January 20, 2003
John Deane (Ireland, 1943- )

John Deane -Silence-
John Deane -Officium-

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posted by Alfil @ 8:04 AM   0 comments
Emily Dickinson
Tuesday, January 14, 2003
Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)

Emily Dickinson -Presentiment is that long shadow...-
Emily Dickinson -I'm nobody! Who are you?-
Emily Dickinson -It might be lonelier-
Emily Dickinson -Safe in their alabaster chambers-
Emily Dickinson -I felt a funeral in my brain-
Emily Dickinson -He was weak, and I was strong -then-
Emily Dickinson -Go not too near a House of Rose-
Emily Dickinson -As far from pity as complaint-
Emily Dickinson -Of all the souls that stand create-
Emily Dickinson -I took my power in my hand-
Emily Dickinson -Where ships of purple gently toss-
Emily Dickinson -I never saw a moor-
Emily Dickinson -The luxury to apprehend-
Emily Dickinson -My Life had stood -a Loaded Gun--
Emily Dickinson -I held a jewel in my fingers-
Emily Dickinson -I hide myself within my flower-
Emily Dickinson -Somehow myself survived the Night-
Emily Dickinson -Dreams are the subtle Dower-
Emily Dickinson -I started early, took my dog-
Emily Dickinson -I measure every grief I meet-
Emily Dickinson -Bee! I'm expecting you!-
Emily Dickinson -When I hoped I feared-
Emily Dickinson -Each life converges to some centre-
Emily Dickinson -How happy is the little stone-
Emily Dickinson -Perception of an object costs-
Emily Dickinson -Have you got a brook in your little heart...?-
Emily Dickinson -I meant to have but modest needs-
Emily Dickinson -Exultation is the Going-
Emily Dickinson -Lady of Athens, faithful be...-
Emily Dickinson -To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee-
Emily Dickinson -There is a solitude of space...-
Emily Dickinson -We never know we go when we are going...-
Emily Dickinson -Conjecturing a climate...-
Emily Dickinson -That it will never come again-
Emily Dickinson -Some say goodnight -at night-
Emily Dickinson -The grass so little has to do...-
Emily Dickinson -The rat is the concisest tenant...-
Emily Dickinson -Within my garden, rides a bird...-
Emily Dickinson -Fate slew him, but he did not drop...-
Emily Dickinson -He scanned it -staggered-...-
Emily Dickinson -Great streets of silence led away...-
Emily Dickinson -My life closed twice before its close-
Emily Dickinson -The birds begun at four o'clock...-
Emily Dickinson -The bustle in the house-
Emily Dickinson -Crumbling is not an instant's Act...-
Emily Dickinson -Must be a woe...-
Emily Dickinson -What if I say I shall not wait?-
Emily Dickinson -I taste a liquor never brewed...-
Emily Dickinson -What inn is this...?-
Emily Dickinson -Is Heaven a Physician?...-
Emily Dickinson -I'm ceded--I've stopped being theirs...-
Emily Dickinson -We outgrow love like other things-
Emily Dickinson -I many times thought peace had come...-
Emily Dickinson -Bring me the sunset in a cup...-
Emily Dickinson -Hope is the thing with feathers-
Emily Dickinson -Our share of night to bear...-
Emily Dickinson -Could that sweet Darkness where they dwell-
Emily Dickinson -I've nothing else -to bring, You know-
Emily Dickinson -It's all I have to bring today-
Emily Dickinson -Heart, we will forget him!-
Emily Dickinson -We like March-
Emily Dickinson -After a hundred years-
Emily Dickinson -I heard a fly buzz when I died...-
Emily Dickinson -There's a certain slant of light-
Emily Dickinson -New feet within my garden go-
Emily Dickinson -Summer for thee grant I may be…-
Emily Dickinson -I had no time to Hate-
Emily Dickinson -This is the Hour of Lead-
Emily Dickinson -Before he comes we weigh the Time!-
Emily Dickinson -Dreams-are well-but Waking's better-
Emily Dickinson -"Nature"is what we see-
Emily Dickinson -By the sea-
Emily Dickinson -The past is such a curious creature-
Emily Dickinson -Despair's advantage is achieved-
Emily Dickinson -Renunciation- is a piercing virtue-
Emily Dickinson -Because I could not stop for Death-
Emily Dickinson -The heart asks pleasure first-
Emily Dickinson -Like eyes that looked on wastes-
Emily Dickinson -Much madness is Divinest Sense-
Emily Dickinson -I never felt at home -Below-
Emily Dickinson -As if I asked a common alms-
Emily Dickinson -When I count the seeds-
Emily Dickinson -They dropped like flakes-
Emily Dickinson -Forever at his side to walk-
Emily Dickinson -I 've seen a dying eye-
Emily Dickinson -How many times these low feet staggered-
Emily Dickinson -No rack can torture me-
Emily Dickinson -Rehearsal to ourselves-
Emily Dickinson -Elysium is as far as...-
Emily Dickinson -The yellow-
Emily Dickinson -It was not death, for I stood up...-
Emily Dickinson -That I did always love-
Emily Dickinson -I died for beauty but was scarce-
Emily Dickinson -There is no frigate like a book-
Emily Dickinson -A slash of Blue...-
Emily Dickinson -If I should'nt be alive...-
Emily Dickinson -I -Years had been- from Home-...-
Emily Dickinson -Just lost, when I was saved!...-
Emily Dickinson -I shall know why - when Time is over-...-
Emily Dickinson -I hav' nt told my garden yet...-

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posted by Alfil @ 2:38 PM   0 comments
Stephen Dobyns
Monday, January 06, 2003
Stephen Dobyns (1941- )

Stephen Dobyns -The street-

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posted by Alfil @ 4:28 AM   0 comments
John Donne
Saturday, January 04, 2003
John Donne (1572-1631)

John Donne -The Will-
John Donne -Love's Alchemy-
John Donne -The Sun rising-
John Donne -The Good-Morrow-
John Donne -For whom te bell tolls-
John Donne -Twicknam garden-
John Donne -Air and angels-
John Donne -If poisonous minerals, and if that tree...-
John Donne -Woman's constancy-
John Donne -Heroicall epistle: Sapho to Philaenis-
John Donne -Breake of day-
John Donne -The dreame-
John Donne -The flea-
John Donne -Elegie XIX: To his mistris going to bed-
John Donne -The prohibition-
John Donne -The bait-
John Donne -The message-
John Donne -The broken heart-
John Donne -Negative love-
John Donne -Apparition-
John Donne -Go and catch a falling star-
John Donne -Love's usury-
John Donne -A hymn to Christ, at the author's lastgoing into Germany-
John Donne -Holy Sonnets- VII. At the round earth's imagined corners blow...
John Donne -Holy Sonnets- X. Death, be not proud, though some have called thee...-
John Donne -The extasie-
John Donne -A lecture upon the shadow-
John Donne -A valediction forbidding mourning-
John Donne -The funeral-
John Donne -A nocturnal upon st. lucy's day, being the shortest day-

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posted by Alfil @ 3:22 PM   0 comments
Hilda Doolittle
Friday, January 03, 2003
Hilda Doolittle (EEUU, 1886-1961)

Hilda Doolittle -Sea rose-
Hilda Doolittle -Leda-
Hilda Doolittle -The cliff temple-
Hilda Doolittle -The Islands-

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posted by Alfil @ 5:25 AM   0 comments
Keith Douglas
Keith Douglas (England, 1920-1944)

Keith Douglas -The deceased-
Keith Douglas -Remember me when I am dead...-

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posted by Alfil @ 2:00 AM   0 comments
Rita Dove
Thursday, January 02, 2003
Rita Dove (EEUU, 1952- )

Rita Dove -Geometry-
Rita Dove -Song-
Rita Dove -Persephone, falling-
Rita Dove -Demeter's prayer to Hades-
Rita Dove -American smooth-

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posted by Alfil @ 7:29 PM   0 comments
Stephen Dunn
Wednesday, January 01, 2003
Stephen Dunn (EEUU, 1939- )

Stephen Dunn -The rapist-

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posted by Alfil @ 7:19 AM   0 comments
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