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Poemas en Inglés es un blog que pretende acercar poemas de lengua inglesa al castellano
"Por principio, toda traducción es buena. En cualquier caso, pasa con ellas lo que con las mujeres: de alguna manera son necesarias, aunque no todas son perfectas"

Augusto Monterroso

-La palabra mágica-

"Es imposible traducir la poesía. ¿Acaso se puede traducir la música?"


"La traducción destroza el espí­ritu del idioma"

Federico García Lorca
Adrienne Rich
Monday, September 10, 2001
Adrienne Rich (1929 - )

Adrienne Rich -The burning of paper instead of children-
Adrienne Rich -At a Bach concert-
Adrienne Rich -I dream I'm the death of Orpheus-
Adrienne Rich -A surviver-
Adrienne Rich -Aunt Jennifer's Tigers-
Adrienne Rich -Origins and history of consciousness-
Adrienne Rich -An atlas of the difficult world- XIII. I know you are reading this poem...-
Adrienne Rich -An atlas of the difficult world- XII.What homage will be paid...-
Adrienne Rich -An atlas of the difficult world- II. Here is a map of our country...-
Adrienne Rich -Twenty-one Love Poems- The floating poem, unnumbered-
Adrienne Rich -Twenty-one Love Poems- XX. That conversation we were always on the edge...-
Adrienne Rich -Twenty-one Love Poems- XII. Sleeping, turning in turn like planets...-
Adrienne Rich -Twenty-one Love Poems- IX. Your silence today is a pond...-
Adrienne Rich -Twenty-one Love Poems- III. Since we're not young...-
Adrienne Rich -Twenty-one Love Poems- II. I wake up in your bed...
Adrienne Rich -Twenty-one Love Poems- I. Wherever in this city...
Adrienne Rich -Divisions of labor-
Adrienne Rich -Delta-
Adrienne Rich -Snapshots of a daughter-in-law-

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posted by Alfil @ 1:05 AM  
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