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Augusto Monterroso

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Federico García Lorca
Samuel Taylor Coleridge -Religious musings-
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Religious musings
Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772 -1834 )

A desultory poem, written on the Christmans Eve of 1794

This is the time, when most divine to hear
The voice of Adoration rouses me,
As with a Cherub's trump : and high upborne,
Yea, mingling with the Choir, I seem to view
The vision of the heavenly multitude,
Who hymned the song of Peace o'er Bethlehem's fields !
Yet thou more bright than all the Angel-blaze,
That harbingered thy birth, Thou Man of Woes !
Despiséd Galilaean ! For the Great
Invisible (by symbols only seen)
With a peculiar and surpassing light
Shines from the visage of the oppressed good man,
When heedless of himself the scourgéd saint
Mourns for the oppressor. Fair the vernal mead,
Fair the high grove, the sea, the sun, the stars ;
True impress each of their creating Sire !
Yet nor high grove, nor many-colour'd mead,
Nor the green ocean with his thousand isles,
Nor the starred azure, nor the sovran sun,
E'er with such majesty of portraiture
Imaged the supreme beauty uncreate,
As thou, meek Saviour ! at the fearful hour
When thy insulted anguish winged the prayer
Harped by Archangels, when they sing of mercy !
Which when the Almighty heard from forth his throne
Diviner light filled Heaven with ecstasy !
Heaven's hymnings paused : and Hell her yawning mouth
Closed a brief moment.

Meditaciones religiosas

Poema sin orden, escrito en la Navidad de 1794

Este es el tiempo en que la voz de la adoración,
que es divina para el oído, me levanta
como con la trompeta de un ángel; y accediendo
y mezclándome con el coro, casi creo ver
la muchedumbre celestial que cantó el himno
de la paz sobre los campos de Belén.
Pero tú eres más luminoso que el resplandor de los ángeles
que anunciaron tu nacimiento; tú, varón de dolores,
¡despreciado Galileo! Porque lo Grande
e invisible (que sólo percibimos por símbolos)
con extraña e insuperable luz
brilla desde el rostro del justo y oprimido
cuando, sin cuidar de sí, el santo flagelado
compadece al opresor. ¡Hermosa la miel
del viernes, el bosque, el mar, el sol, las estrellas,
huellas de su Señor Creador! (...)

Versión de Gabriel Insuasti


posted by Alfil @ 4:29 AM  
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