Sunday, April 02, 2006

Charles Bukowski -My buddy-

My buddy
Charles Bukowski (1920-1994)

for a 21-year-old boy in New Orleans I wasn’t worth
much : I had a dark small room that smelled of
piss and death
yet I just wanted to stay in there, and there were
two lovely girls down at the end of the hall who
kept knocking on my door and yelling. "Get up !
There are good things out here !"

"go away," I told them, but that only goaded
them on, they left notes under my door and
scotch-taped flowers to the

I was on cheap wine and green beer and

I got to know the old guy in the next
room, somehow I felt old like
him ; his feet and ankles were swollen and he couldn’t
lace his shoes.

each day about one p.m. we went for a walk
together and it was a very slow
walk : each step was painful for

as we came to the curbing I helped him
up and down
gripping him by an elbow
and the back of his
belt, we made it.

I liked him : he never questioned me about
what I was or wasn’t
he should have been my father, and I liked
best what he said over and
over : "Nothing is worth

he was a

those young girls should have
left him the
notes and the

Mi colega

para ser un chico de 21 años en Nueva Orleans yo no valía mucho
la pena: Tenia una pequeña habitación que olía a
meados y muerte
pero quería estar allí, y habían
dos adorables chicas al final del vestíbulo quienes
no paraban de golpear a mi puerta y gritar. "Levántate !
Hay cosas buenas allá afuera !"

"Largaros," les decía, pero eso solo las
estimulaba mas, me dejaban notas bajo la puerta y
pegaban flores con cinta adhesiva al
pomo de la puerta

Yo estaba metido en vino barato y cerveza verde y

Conocí al viejo tío de la habitación de
al lado, de algún modo yo me sentía viejo como
el; sus pies y tobillos estaban hinchados y no podía
atarse los zapatos.

Cada día sobre la una del mediodía salíamos a dar un paseo
juntos y era un paseo muy
lento: Cada paso era doloroso para

Cuando nos acercábamos al bordillo, yo le ayudaba a
subir y bajar
agarrándole por el codo
y por la parte de atrás de su
cinturón, lo conseguíamos.

Me gustaba: nunca me cuestiono
sobre que hacia o que dejaba de

El debería de haber sido mi padre, y lo que mas me gustaba
era lo que decía una y
otra vez: "Nada vale la

Era un

aquellas chicas jóvenes deberían
de haberle dejado a el
las notas y las

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