Sunday, April 02, 2006

Charles Bukowski -Melancholia-

Charles Bukowski (1920-1994)

the history of melancholia
includes all of us.

me, I writhe in dirty sheets
while staring at blue walls
and nothing.

I have gotten so used to melancholia
I greet it like an old

I will now do 15 minutes of grieving
for the lost redhead,
I tell the gods.

I do it and feel quite bad
quite sad,
then I rise
even though nothing
is solved.

that's what I get for kicking
religion in the ass.

I should have kicked the redhead
in the ass
where her brains and her bread and
butter are
at ...

but, no, I've felt sad
about everything:
the lost redhead was just another
smash in a lifelong
loss ...

I listen to drums on the radio now
and grin.
there is something wrong with me


la historia de la melancolía
nos incluye a todos.

me retuerzo entre las sábanas sucias
mientras fijo mi mirada
en las paredes azules
y nada.

me he acostumbrado tanto a la melancolía
la saludo como a una vieja

ahora tendré 15 minutos de aflicción
por la pelirroja que se fue,
se lo diré a los dioses.

me siento realmente mal
realmente triste
entonces me levanto

aunque no haya resuelto
hay algo mal en mí
además de la

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